There are a few treasures that have been added as a part of
JDK 11 and help developers to minimize coding efforts. Some of them you
definitely know such as responsive Http2/API, you can run the source code
directly without compiling. However, have you tried extensions of common
classes such as String, Optional, Collections and Files, and if you haven’t
already, congratulations, you’ll learn about some of them in this article.
- Nest-Based
Access Control
- Dynamic
Class-File Constants
- Improve Aarch64
- Epsilon: A No-Op
Garbage Collector
- Remove the Java
EE and CORBA Modules
- HTTP Client
- Local-Variable The syntax for Lambda Parameters
- Key Agreement
with Curve25519 and Curve448
- Unicode 10
- Flight Recorder
- ChaCha20 and
poly1305 Cryptographic Algorithms
- Lunch
Single-File Source-Code Programs
- Low-Overhead
Heap Profiling
- Transport Layer
Security (TLS) 1.33
- ZGC: A Scalable
Low-Latency Garbage Collector
- Deprecate the Nashorn JavaScript Engine.
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