Complete SQL Functions In Oracle Database Developer - LearnHowToCode Interview Questions and Answers LearnHowToCodeOnline
Complete SQL Functions In Oracle Database

Complete SQL Functions In Oracle Database Developer

Types of SQL Functions

In Oracle Database SQL functions are divided into two categories. These two categories are –
1.        Single Row Functions
2.       Multiple row functions (Aggregate functions)
What are Single Row Functions?
Single-row functions operate on one row at a time and return one row of output for each input row. In addition, they are capable of manipulating data items and modifying the data types. Furthermore, these functions return one result per row and act on each row that is returned. Single row functions can accept one or more arguments and can return one value. These arguments can be a column or an expression.
Types of Single-Row Functions
With Oracle, we have 5 types of Single-Row Functions
1.        Character Functions
2.       Number Functions
3.       General Functions
4.      Conversion Functions and
5.       Date Functions.
Types of Character Functions
Character Functions are further divided into two categories.
1.        Case manipulation functions
2.       Character Manipulation functions.
In Oracle Database we have three Case Manipulation functions and seven Character Manipulation functions. The three Case Manipulation functions are –
1.        Lower()
2.       upper () and
3.       initcap ()
And seven Character Manipulation functions are –
1.        concat(),
2.       substr(),
3.       length(),
4.      instr(),
5.       lpad() | rpad(),
6.      trim ()and
7.       replace().
That’s it for this tutorial. Hope you learned something new.  

About Mariano

I'm Ethan Mariano a software engineer by profession and reader/writter by passion.I have good understanding and knowledge of AngularJS, Database, javascript, web development, digital marketing and exploring other technologies related to Software development.


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