What is class?
Class : Collection of properties, which are acquired
by object instantlating from the class.
Example :
Bird class is a collection of properties(beak,feather,flying,swiming),and these propertie
will be acquired by object(koel,sparrow and eagle etc) instanitlating form the bird class.
What is Object?
Object: object is an intanctiation of a class. it acquired properties from it's class.
Example. object "koeal" is an intanctiation of "Bird"class. and hence "Koel" acquires properties
(break, feathers,leg,flying, and swimming) from "Bird"class.
What is Encapsulation?
Encapsulation: Wrapping attributes with beahaviours in a single unit is "encapsulation", and util is
know as "class";
Example: wrapping attributes (beak,feathers,legs)with behaviours (flying laying,egg)in a single unit("Bird class")

What is Data Binding?
Data Binding: During ecapsulation associatting attributes with specific bahaviours
is know as"data binding".
Example: During encapsulation of "bird"class, attributes "Beak ,feathers" are associated bahaviours "flying"and attributes
"Beak,leg" associated with behaviour"Swimming".
What is Data Hiding?
Data Hiding: Attributes of a class are hidden behing the beahaviours of the "class".
Attributes"Beak,Feather" are hidden behind the behaviour "flying " and attributes 'Beak,leg' are
hidden behind the behaviour "Swimming".
What is polymorphism?
Polymorphism: Ability to take more than one from is known as polymorphism.
Example :
"A human being plays multiple roles on the different occassins for example for a 'child' 'Brother', for a Sister/brother"
What is Abstraction?
Abstraction :
"Focusing an essential details without considering background information.
A driver focuses on "clutch,Gear, stearing,Break"
while driving a car. while the same driver focuse on the"body panale"wind screen Tyres etc while washing the car.
What is Inheritance?
transfer of properties from parent to child is known as Inheritance".
example: parents "DNA"property is alwayes transferd to child.
Class : Collection of properties, which are acquired
by object instantlating from the class.
Example :
Bird class is a collection of properties(beak,feather,flying,swiming),and these propertie
will be acquired by object(koel,sparrow and eagle etc) instanitlating form the bird class.
What is Object?
Object: object is an intanctiation of a class. it acquired properties from it's class.
Example. object "koeal" is an intanctiation of "Bird"class. and hence "Koel" acquires properties
(break, feathers,leg,flying, and swimming) from "Bird"class.
What is Encapsulation?
Encapsulation: Wrapping attributes with beahaviours in a single unit is "encapsulation", and util is
know as "class";
Example: wrapping attributes (beak,feathers,legs)with behaviours (flying laying,egg)in a single unit("Bird class")
What is Data Binding?
Data Binding: During ecapsulation associatting attributes with specific bahaviours
is know as"data binding".
Example: During encapsulation of "bird"class, attributes "Beak ,feathers" are associated bahaviours "flying"and attributes
"Beak,leg" associated with behaviour"Swimming".
What is Data Hiding?
Data Hiding: Attributes of a class are hidden behing the beahaviours of the "class".
Attributes"Beak,Feather" are hidden behind the behaviour "flying " and attributes 'Beak,leg' are
hidden behind the behaviour "Swimming".
What is polymorphism?
Polymorphism: Ability to take more than one from is known as polymorphism.
Example :
"A human being plays multiple roles on the different occassins for example for a 'child' 'Brother', for a Sister/brother"
What is Abstraction?
Abstraction :
"Focusing an essential details without considering background information.
A driver focuses on "clutch,Gear, stearing,Break"
while driving a car. while the same driver focuse on the"body panale"wind screen Tyres etc while washing the car.
What is Inheritance?
transfer of properties from parent to child is known as Inheritance".
example: parents "DNA"property is alwayes transferd to child.
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