A thread represent a separate path of execution of a group of statement In java program .
if we write a group of statements. then these statement are executed by JVM one by one .
this execution is called a thread.
How to find running thread in this program
class RunningThreads
public static void main(String[]arr){
System.out.println("find the running current thread");
Thread th=new Thread.currentThread();
System.out.println("current thread="+th);
System.out.println("That is thread name="+th.getName);
* which thread always runs in java program by default?
Mian thread
Why threads are called light weight?
Thread are light weight because they utilize minimum resources of the system.
This means they take less memory and less processor time.
What is difference between single tasking and multi tasking?
Executing only one job at a time is called single tasking.Executing several jobs at a time is
called multi tasking . in single tasking .the processor time is wasted , but in multi tasking we
can utilize processor time in a optimum way.
How can you stop a thread in java ?
First of all we should create a boolean type variable which store 'false' When the user wants
to stop the thread, we should store 'true' into the variable The status of the variable is checked in the run() methods and if it is true the thread executes 'retuen' statement and then stop.
Example As like
........ // thread work here two way
//run() mode and stop()
class MyThread extends Thread
boolean stop =false; OUTPUT
public void run() {
for(int i=1; i<=1000; i++)
return; }
class Demo1
public static void main(String[] args)throws IOException {
MyThread obj=new MyThread();
Thread t=new Thread(obj);
t.start();;// stop the thread when pressed the enter key
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